Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Awesome Alert! Epic trailers for Christmas

The hype for next year is massive; we have "The Dark Knight Rises", "The Hobbit Part 1", and the ever-mysterious "Prometheus" all coming out in 2012, making every fanboy hope that those messed-up Mayans were wrong. Thanks to three new trailers, our curiousities have been peaked, and we now hold endless speculation as to what on Earth will these films hold in store:

"The Dark Knight Rises": By now, we all have this one memorized. Alfred is sad, Gordon's gonna get pink-slipped, Anne Hathaway is warning Bruce about "a storm", Bane blows-up a football game, and the guy from "Inception" is DOING SOMETHING. What is easy to tell is that Bane is planning a massive "Occupy Gotham" movement, except more violent and revolution-like. What is not easy to tell is whether or not Selina Kyle is on Batman's side, since she doesn't really warn Bruce so much as reveal to him what 's coming up for all of Gotham. She's probably not evil, but she's definitely involved in the "Occupy Gotham" plan one way or another. That still leaves us with a number of questions: Why exactly is Bane trying to destroy the city? Will Alfred die Rachel Dawes-style? And what is Joseph Gordon-Levitt DOING?

"The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey": This one is so minimalistic that it makes the "DKR" trailer look like it's giving away every secret it has. While "TH" is supposed to get us excited, it's purpose is more of a introductory one. We meet Young Bilbo, who's life is very comfortable at the moment, just as he is meeting Gandalf the Grey for the first time. We meet every last Dwarf, in quick succession, as well as, surprisingly, the ancient Galadriel, who seems to be much more intimate with Gandalf than she was even with Frodo. The main feel of this trailer, as it should be, is adventure; an adventure which is far more dangerous and significant than ever before.

"Prometheus": Now if you REALLY want to see what "paranoic secrecy" looks like, check out the preview for Ridley Scott's new "Alien"-universe film. We know that we are going to finally learn what the heck those giant Space Jockeys from the original space-chiller were for, but we will also learn that these Jockeys hae something to do with our origins as a species (there is no idea creepier than that). And whatever galaxy-sized secret that is, it's got Noomi Rapace and Charlize Theron scared out of their wits. Attention all Ripley-fans, get those animatronic chest-bursters ready.

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