Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 Reasons To See Beetlejuice

Halloween has passed, but our appreciation for this twisted masterpiece is still strong. It's the best Tim Burton film I've seen thus far (Oh come on, it's awesome enough...okay, there may be better ones... I haven't seen "Edward Scissorhands", all right!) and the season has come to once again view the movie that's so wierd it's genius. Here are my top five reasons to do so:
#5-Sand Worm
If Salvador Dali had designed those giant worms from Dune,it would have looked something, or a lot, like one of these.Weird and actually pretty freaky, these babies are scarier because they're not CGI, but unadulterated '80's Claymation, made with TLC by the master of whatchamacallits and yahoozits, Mr. Burton.The sand worm seen in the movie can now be seen inside the lower intestine of the guy sitting next to you on the subway.
#4-Shrunken Head Adventurer
Like a darkly humouresque Gonzo from the Muppets, except this was a human being. Who, you know, had his head shrunk.Very profound.
#3-Creepy Factor
Do not expect cute and cuddly from Tim B., for anyone who does will be ridiculously/pleasently surprised.The giant snake scene is particularly noteworthy, as is the spooky reference to "The Fly".
#2-Great Humour
Say it with me now: "De-me-sa-de-e-i-o.Daylight come and me wanna go home".Classic.
#1-Micheal Keaton's performance/Great cast
It was my dad who first told me the best part about "Beetlejuice":the insane and geniusely hilarious acting from Micheal Keaton, which virtually steals every stinkin' scene he's in.Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis are sweet and not annoying at all as the lovely (but dead) couple and have more-than-decent chemistry.Then there's the pretty and perfect turn from Canadian comedian/actress Catherine Hara,who is the nastiest (and therefore funniest)screen yuppie this side of that guy from "Aliens".Winona Ryder makes a great goth girl, and makes the role hers, but at the end of the day, this film belongs to Burton and Keaton

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